A Tarantulas of World 2010 júliusában a következő cikkeket tette közzé
Schmidt, G., S. Hettegger & J. Matthes. A female of Chilocosmia
barensteinerae sp. n. from Kalimantan (Borneo) (Theraphosidae:
Selenocosmiinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 4-14
Schmidt, G. & J. Matthes. An unusual shape of spermathecae in a
Harpactira atra (Latreille, 1832) from South Africa (Araneae,
Theraphosidae,Harpactirinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 15-22
Schmidt, G. What is the correct name of Selenocosmia huwena WANG, PENG
& XIE, 1993? Tarantulas of the World 142: 23-27
Schmidt, G. What is the correct name of "Hapalopus" guianensis
CAPORIACCO,1954? Tarantulas of the World 142: 28-29
Schmidt, G. Notes on Haplopelma SIMON, 1892, Melopoeus POCOCK, 1895
and Ornithoctonus POCOCK, 1892 (Araneae: Theraphosidae:
Ornithoctoninae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 30-34
Samm, R. & G. Schmidt. Psalmopoeinae subfamilia nov. – a new subfamily
of the Theraphosidae (Araneae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 35-41
Schmidt, G. Key to the identification of the females of the South
East Asian genus of dwarf tarantulas, Yamia (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Selenocosmiinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 42-47Az absztraktok és a publikációk lényege (magyarul) is érdekel, kattints a
szokott helyre.
Schmidt, G., S. Hettegger & J. Matthes. A female of Chilocosmia
barensteinerae sp. n. from Kalimantan (Borneo) (Theraphosidae:
Selenocosmiinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 4-14
Chilocosmia barensteinerae is a new species of the genus and the first
species of this genus from Kalimantan. An adult female could be collected in
the South of Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. It moulted on 20th
August 2009. The male of this species is unknown.
The exuvia has been studied by Schmidt who dissected the stridulation
bristles and the spermathecae. The new species differs from all other
species of the genus by two additional rows of paddle and peglike
stridulating setae on the maxillae, one medium-sized and one very small. The
differences to C. peerboomi SCHMIDT, 1999 from the island of Negros
(Philippines) are besides two additional rows of paddle and peglike setae on
maxillae, scopula of metatarsus IV the base of the segment not reaching,
Tibia IV not thickened, distance ALE-PLE considerably larger, unpaired third
claw absent, three pairs of sternal sigillae, hair red brown. Colour after
moulting deep black. The biotope is the tropical rain forest, which is very
humid during the monsoon time. Chilocosmia SCHMIDT & VON WIRTH,
1992, in 2000 synonymized with Selenocosmia by RAVEN is a genus of its own
and quite different from Selenocosmia AUSSERER,1871.
"Selenocosmia borneoensis" nomen nudum (non vidimus) is probably an
Ornithoctoninae sp.
Eme írás a Chilocosmia nemzedék egy új fajának leírása amely a
barensteinerae faj nevet kapta, a fajt egy nőstény egyed alapján
írták le amelyet Dél-Kalimantanban (Borneo indonéz része) gyűjtöttek be.
Továbbá eme absztrakt megemlíti a faj határozókulcsait is, de mint tőlem megszokott akit érdekel lefordítja magának.
Schmidt, G. & J. Matthes. An unusual shape of spermathecae in a Harpactira
atra (Latreille, 1832) from South Africa (Araneae, Theraphosidae,
Harpactirinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 15-22
In a female of the South African species Harpactira atra one receptaculum
seminis is formed as usually, the other one is closer to that of some
members of the subfamily Psalmopoeinae. It is a matter of an unusual
deformity. In another female from the same locality both receptacula seminis
are normally shaped.
Ebben a publikációban a egy Harpactira atra nőstény szokatlan
spermatartó formáját vizsgálták a deformáció miatt a spermatartó egyik fele normális kinézetű de a másik fele a deformáció miatt hasonlít egyes Psalmopoeinae alcsaládba tartozó fajokéhoz. Egy másik nőstény vizsgálata során ez a elváltozás a spermatartó mindkét felén megjelent.
Schmidt, G. What is the correct name of Selenocosmia huwena WANG, PENG & XIE, 1993? Tarantulas of the World 142: 23-27
Selenocosmia huwena has been transferred in 1996 from the Selenocosmiinae into the subfamily Ornithoctoninae by SCHMIDT. It has been placed in the genus Haplopelma SIMON, 1892 a few months later by HUBER, SAMM & SCHMIDT. PETERS 1999 and 2000 considered the species as Haplopelma schmidti VON WIRTH, 1991. SCHMIDT 2000 in a journal and in a book on venomous arachnids and also 2003 in a book on tarantulas used the name H. schmidti. In 2000 ZHU & SONG transferred this species to Ornithoctonus POCOCK, 1892. According to VON WIRTH & STRIFFLER 2005 however this species has to be named Haplopelma huwenum. In 2008 the name H. schmidti has been confirmed by ZHU & ZHANG and has been listed in the catalogue of Platnick, 2009. This is therefore the valid name of the species.
Eme absztrakt arról szól, hogy némi kavarodás után a Selenocosmia huwena ma érvényes neve a Haplopelma schmidti.
(Kicsit lentebb kiderül, hogy mégsem a faj ma érvényes neve Melopoeus schmidti.)
Schmidt, G. What is the correct name of "Hapalopus" guianensis CAPORIACCO, 1954? Tarantulas of the World 142: 28-29
According to PLATNICK, 2010 Hapalopus guianensis CAPORIACCO, 1954is regarded to be a valid species and Stenotarsus SCHMIDT, 2003 as a junior synonym of that. The same species is also regarded by PLATNICK as a valid species with the name Neostenotarsus scissistylus (TESMOINGT & SCHMIDT, 2002), though PLATNICK noted that it may be a synonym of Hapalopus guianensis CAPORIACCO, 1954. SCHMIDT, 2003 corrected the name Stenotarsus scissistylus in Stenotarsus guianensis (CAPORIACCO, 1954) after an information received by FABIAN VOL and the follow-up examination of the male. It could be shown once again that this species does not belong to the genus Hapalopus but to a genus of its own. The crucial description of the female was made the first time already by TESMOINGT & SCHMIDT, 2002. The name Stenotarsus has been replaced for Neostenotaru by PRIBIK & WEINMANN, 2004 because it was preoccupied in a genus of Coleoptera. Therefore the correct name of this species has to be Neostenotarsus guianensis (CAPORIACCO, 1954).
Itt arról van szó sarkítva, hogy a Hapalopus guianensis junior szinonimája a Neostenotarsus guianensisnak.
Schmidt, G. Notes on Haplopelma SIMON, 1892, Melopoeus POCOCK, 1895 and Ornithoctonus POCOCK, 1892 (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Ornithoctoninae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 30-34
The informations to the genus Haplopelma in the paper of VON WIRTH & STRIFFLER are valueless because these authors did not investigate the type species H. doriae. This species was studied by SCHMIDT in 1998. It shows short and deeply divided spermathecae, straight fovea and a spination of maxillae one can find in Ornithoctonus. Therefore Haplopelma doriae is transferred now into the genus Ornithoctonus. The other members of the genus Haplopelma not belonging to Ornithoctonus are transferred to the genus Melopoeus now resurrected. The position of Haplopelma robustum remains unknown.
"Selenocosmia borneoensis" nomen nudum belongs to the Ornithoctoninae.
Eme publikáció közli a nagyérdeművel, hogy a Haplopelma (VON WIRTH & STRIFFLER) nemzetség leírása értéktelen, mert a szerzők nem vizsgálták meg a típus fajt ami a H. doriae. Viszont 1998-ban Schmidt tanulmányozta és a Ornithoctonus genuszba sorolta. A többi Haplopelma faj nem került át, hanem az újra érvényes Melopoeus nemzetségbe sorota őket. A Haplopelma robusztum továbbra is ismeretlen.
Az absztrakt tartalmazza még azt is, hogy a H.doriae miért is lett Ornithoctonus amit újfent meghagyok fordításra annak akit érdekel.
Samm, R. & G. Schmidt. Psalmopoeinae subfamilia nov. – a new subfamily of the Theraphosidae (Araneae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 35-41
For the genera Psalmopoeus and Tapinauchenius, up to now considered as members of the subfamilia Aviculariinae, a new subfamilia Psalmopoeinae is established. This subfamily is closely related to the Aviculariinae. Distinguishing character is the absence of urticating hairs on the opisthosoma. From the Selenocosmiinae they differ in the existence of tibial spurs in males and in the distribution in Central and South America and to the Caribbean, from the Ischnocolinae in the weakly spinose leg segments and the lacking of a division of the scopulae of tarsi by hair or bristles.
Eme publikáció arról értesít minket, hogy egy új alcsaláddal bővült a madárpókok családja. Az alcslád neve Psalmopoeinae amibe a Psalmopoeus és a Tapinauchenius nemzetségek tartoznak. Ez az alcsalád szorosan kapcsolódik az Aviculariinae alcsaládhoz. Viszont jól elkülönithetö töle, sőt a Selenocosmiinae és a Ischnocolinae alcsaládoktól is.
Akit érdekel miben külömböznek egymástól az alcsaládok, üljenek neki leforditani ezt a pár sort.
Schmidt, G. Key to the identification of the females of the South East Asian genus of dwarf tarantulas, Yamia (Araneae: Theraphosidae: Selenocosmiinae). Tarantulas of the World 142: 42-47
To the genus Yamia Kishida, 1920 belong small theraphosid spiders of the subfamily Selenocosmiinae lacking stridulation bristles. A third claw is present at tarsus IV. The eye tubercle is situated close to the anterior margin of the carapace. The anterior eyes are in an almost straight or slightly procurved row. Distribution: Different islands of the Philippines and island of Lanyu/Taiwan. The most important characteristics for the identification of females are the shape of the spermathecae, the relative size and the position of the eyes and the distribution. Phlogiellus baeri is transferred to Yamia because of the similarity of all characteristics of importance with those of the type species Y. watasei. Phlogiellus insularis does not belong to this genus. The holotype is an inadult male.
A publikáció a Yamia nemzetségről szól amik a Selenocosmiinae alcsaládba tartoznak. Plusz, hogy a Phlogiellus baeri átsorolták a Yamia genuszba mert főbb jellemzői megegyeznek a nemzetség típusfajáéval (Y.watasei). Viszont a P. insularis nem tartozik ehhez a genuszhoz. Holotipusa egy nem adult hím.
Forrás: New special edition 142 of "Tarantulas of the World" – contents and abstracts